Did I miss something?
So I was listening to the radio again yesterday and I heard something which made me a bit confused. And it wasn't the first time that I heard this particular news story either, but after the election and exit polls I became more confused then ever.
First let me preface my remarks, I support our troops, and I think that most of the ways that our country is representing itself overseas (especially since the tsunami) has been for what we perceive as the common good of the world as a whole.
I can support that, but I won't support the President. And I have serious issues with the people that voted for him on the basis of Moral Values. The radio news that I heard, NPR again, talked about how the White House was involved in the work in trying to sidestepping of torture guidelines defined in the Geneva Convention. There was a two year period during which the current administration advocated a memo, stating that causing as much pain as possible, is OK, as long as the person being interrogated does not suffer organ failure or death. The only reason that the issue came to light is that someone leaked the memo, and last week, some time around the first of the year, they rescinded the memo. And replaced it with a different memo, stating that the President can authorize actions to be taken in interrogation which are outlawed by US laws.
But one of the major reasons for Bush's win last November, that many news organizations cited was moral values. Does anyone else see some kind of contradiction with this? Sometimes I really don't understand sociology. How can large groups of people be so stupid or just hear what they want to hear, instead of listening to the facts? I saw a bumper sticker a few weeks ago that I think of now: "I can love my country and not love my President." We are the luckiest people alive, to be living in this country and in this time. But it is OK to question our government's policies and decisions. Checks and Balances were written into the Constitution to protect all of us. But who is protecting those Iraqi "detainees" that are being tricked into believing they are being intentionally drowned or buried alive, in the pursuit of "intelligence data"? The news article spoke about how many of the atrocities that Saddam Hussein and his sons committed before they were removed, would have been OK based on the White House's memo on torture. At what point to we become the evil we were trying to protect ourselves from?
First let me preface my remarks, I support our troops, and I think that most of the ways that our country is representing itself overseas (especially since the tsunami) has been for what we perceive as the common good of the world as a whole.
I can support that, but I won't support the President. And I have serious issues with the people that voted for him on the basis of Moral Values. The radio news that I heard, NPR again, talked about how the White House was involved in the work in trying to sidestepping of torture guidelines defined in the Geneva Convention. There was a two year period during which the current administration advocated a memo, stating that causing as much pain as possible, is OK, as long as the person being interrogated does not suffer organ failure or death. The only reason that the issue came to light is that someone leaked the memo, and last week, some time around the first of the year, they rescinded the memo. And replaced it with a different memo, stating that the President can authorize actions to be taken in interrogation which are outlawed by US laws.
But one of the major reasons for Bush's win last November, that many news organizations cited was moral values. Does anyone else see some kind of contradiction with this? Sometimes I really don't understand sociology. How can large groups of people be so stupid or just hear what they want to hear, instead of listening to the facts? I saw a bumper sticker a few weeks ago that I think of now: "I can love my country and not love my President." We are the luckiest people alive, to be living in this country and in this time. But it is OK to question our government's policies and decisions. Checks and Balances were written into the Constitution to protect all of us. But who is protecting those Iraqi "detainees" that are being tricked into believing they are being intentionally drowned or buried alive, in the pursuit of "intelligence data"? The news article spoke about how many of the atrocities that Saddam Hussein and his sons committed before they were removed, would have been OK based on the White House's memo on torture. At what point to we become the evil we were trying to protect ourselves from?
At 3:43 AM ,
Kyle Wash said...
I dont pay much of any attention to politics. I belive that you cannot beleive what you hear or read. The only ting that Isee is that everyone is attacking each other i our own country, expecially polically. If we can't stop the bickering within our own government, what makes them think we can help another country, they will turn out to be a bunch of old bought-out old guys like we have.
At 4:29 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hello to you!
How can you still support usan troops, after it is an established fact that they are fighting an illigal war, murdering or torturing Iraqis they were supposed to liberate and supporting the evil CIA stooge Allawi and his vile attrocities against Iraqis?
First, you as a New Yorker need to find out who masterminded/commited the 9/11 attrocity then you will find answers to your questions. Off course, you need to have the guts to find out about the real perpertrators of the attrocity it is nowadays very dangerous in usa to question the official party line.
As for usa party politics,all usa leaders, to me, are all the same. If Kerry were the president nothing would have changed as regard Iraq war and usa foreign policy. The politician are put in power by the corporations, finacial groups and etc not by the people. Usan democracy does not work. Remember JFK murder, vote rigging, total media control imposed by the corporations.
The two party system is totally corrupt, these two party one way or another implement the same policy.
However hard it might be,I would advise you to get rid of some of your illusions about you country.
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