Orchestrated Chaos

Pushing my own buttons.

Monday, March 06, 2006

My Birthday

Well, it has been quite the whirlwind of the past couple weeks. Blinking is neccessary but sure is disorienting.

Before I forget, Stuart Murdoch the front man for Belle and Sebastian was on NPR today (Fresh Air) to talk about their US tour, and more importantly the genesis of the group in 1996, on through to what they have been up to recently. It is really interesting learning more about him and the group after the hours that I have spent listening to their music. Here is the link, and I am sure that NPR has a bunch of other content too, for anyone interested.

My birthday was Saturday. I didn't really do the whole "Introspection and Ponder" thing. I didn't go around talking about it, but everyone knows how much I talk! I am only 32, but it was interesting to see the kids get excited, because Holly and Ryan had their birthday's in January. I don't think that they even thought that Mommy or Daddy also had a day where they get cake and presents, it isn't just a thing that happens to kids.
I am seriously looking forward to firing up the pressure cooker that I got, and the gift card to Best Buy is really burning a hole in my pocket. Thanks!

I have been hard at work trying to get Emma's birthday computer up and running and connected to the network, quite a little chore. First of all when I plugged in the computer and turned it on, it wouldn't even start, just this odd clicking noise from the hard drive. I swapped out the apparently malfunctioning device with one that I had sitting around. It was a major chore getting the new hard drive to mesh with all the plug and play that wasn't playing nice. It was much more simple after I realized that I didn't throw away the spare 3.5" start-up bootable diskette. But after 2 hours I ended up still having to reformat. And that led to my installing the network card and finding out, much to my displeasure that Windows 98 and Windows XP don't network well. I got another copy of Windows XP, so that everything will run on the same operating system. That's where I stand now, waiting for the CD to finish the install. I can't wait to see if everything is ironed out after this. I had no idea that this project was going to take up so much of my time (About 4 or 5 hours, so far). It is progressing and even through all of this, I have learned more, and I guess as long as that happens I'm moving in the right direction.

I still want to buy a UPS for my computer though.


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